台南人,本名杜振熙,又名軟嘴唇,素有饒舌詩人的稱號,全才音樂創作者,『收斂水』、『關於小熊』、『煙霧瀰漫』、『少年維持著煩惱』、『過程』、『史詩』等歌曲廣為人熟知。 2009年發行成名專輯《收斂水》、《Winter Sweet》,爵士混搭饒舌的輕曲風為華語饒舌翻開嶄新一頁,並以《Winter Sweet》入圍第21屆金曲獎最佳新人獎。之後幾年發行《月光》、《踩.腳.踏.車》、《你所不知道的杜振熙之內部整修》等專輯,一再超越舊有自己,成為叫好叫座的經典作品,更以《你所不知道的杜振熙之內部整修》專輯入圍第25屆金曲獎最佳國語男歌手、最佳專輯製作人及最佳國語專輯等多項大獎。 帶著愜意自在的旋律,形形色色的故事他淡淡說著,超脫世俗的存在,從不遵從於任何框架,蛋堡成為每個挑剔的耳朵裡無法被取代的經典。
Soft Lipa is a rapper from Tainan, Taiwan. He is best known for forming a new style so-called the “Soft Hip-hop” with his melodic soulful rap style and poetic mandarin lyrics. He earned the title "Hip-Hop Poet" from his unique style. He joined KAO!INC, a Taiwanese independent hip-hop label in 2005, then debuted his first album “Lotion” in 2009, which gained him a strong following instantly. Moreover, he was nominated for Best New Artist in the 21st GMA (Golden Melody Awards) and his song "Bear" won the Best Hip-Hop Single in the 1st GIMA (Golden Independent Music Award) for this album, making him one of the most popular and influential Chinese rappers. In 2017, he went on a world tour with his label KAO!INC, and toured in China, Japan, Taiwan and USA. And now Soft Lipa is working on his new album, which fans have been waiting for over four years.
台灣台南人,為蛋堡在台南一中的學弟,畢業於台大化學系,更為人所知的的稱號是Dr. Paper 紙博士。於2007年加入台灣饒舌廠牌顏社後,發行過Dr. Paper等5張混音碟,『飛行少女』『Honda & Toyota』『Yesterday』『外面有點冷』等都是饒舌樂迷們津津樂道的經典歌曲。2015年推出首張EP《GDN EXPRESS》正式上線後,旋即空降博客來即時銷售排行榜冠軍,再度達成三日內完售之紀錄,並以極高的呼聲入圍第六屆金音獎「最佳嘻哈單曲獎」。
GorDoN, as known as Dr. Paper, is a rapper comes from Tainan, Taiwan. His major influences on becoming a rapper are Eminem and the East Coast rapper, Nas. GorDoN has a unique style of a lazy sounding voice and still remain his underground style and tempo on his music career. During his senior high school life, Gordon joined Bamboo Gang which is composed of Soft Lipa and RPG. The rap trio released some classic underground songs like “Skool Life”, “Party wit me”, “My Tainan City”. And co-released “The Mixtape” with The Huangs in 2006. A year later, Gordon joined KAO!INC. Since then, he has sold out all of his four mixtapes releases. Last year, Gordon released his fifth mixtape “Sunday Night Slow Jams” and finished touring in 12 cities in China in 2017.
俊俏外型加上憂鬱氣質,他的外在條件或許令你注意,但豐富內裝才是吸引人停下腳步的原因。 台北新莊人,畢業於台灣藝術大學廣電系。15、6歲時在網路結識布朗組成團體大囍門,簽約於豐華唱片並發行同名專輯。經過一段自我摸索的歲月後,加入嘻哈音樂廠牌『顏社』,陸續推出《古錐仔》《小心肝》等小品,集聚沈澱多年的音樂能量,於2016年發行首張個人專輯《 台北直直撞 》後,以台語新浪潮之姿在音樂上獲得媒體和樂迷迴響,並入圍同年金曲金音獎,相繼與VANS、Gogoro、福特、COACH等品牌合作,更入圍第28屆金曲獎最佳台語專輯與最佳台語男歌手,不管是大受歡迎的首波主打「台北直直撞」,或是與蛋堡合作的抒情歌曲「什麼時候她」,他用迷離歌聲悠悠唱著人們的寫實經歷,巧妙融合電子節奏與八零金曲,揉出屬於這個世代的細膩情懷。
YINGHUNG, as known as DJ Didilong, born in Taipei, Taiwan. Being known for the Chopper style of rapping which means use fast-paced style in rap and has made his debut album “Da Xi Men” with the group Da Xi Men which is under the biggest music production company Forward Music, in his 16. After the reform of the group, he stayed quiet for a while until he joins KAO!INC. After few years of discovering and development, Yinghung released some singles which raps and sings his music entirely in the Taiwanese dialect, putting out a fresh mix of Hip Hop, Rap, Funk, and 80’s goldies Disco, that is cutting edge and comparative to the standard of any Mandarin-speaking Hip Hop artist. In 2016, he released his debut album “Taipei Didilong” and won himself critical acclaim at this years' Golden Melody Awards for Best Taiwanese Album and Best Taiwanese Male Singer. In 2017, Yinghung was the producer of Yeemao’s debut album《健康歌曲 OwO》 for the first time in his career.
Yeemao, a hip-hop duo from Taipei, Taiwan. The group composed of rappers Leo Wang aka Sofa King and Chunyan aka K.O.K. Yeemao made their debut with the release of the three-track EP cassette “First Generation Projects” in 2016. The cassette sold out immediately as soon as it comes out. Since then the duo has worked together with their producer YINGHUNG aka DJDidilong on their very first album “OwO” which is now released in 2017.
本名王之佑,台大社會系,曾任搖滾樂團『巨大的轟鳴』主唱,半路轉戰饒舌圈,在網路上自己發行《Leo王賣瓜自賣自誇》Mixtape,初次啼聲便以一曲《把所有煩都燒了讓它變成煙》入圍金音獎最佳嘻哈單曲。 加入饒舌廠牌「顏社」後,於2016年發行個人專輯《藝術家脾氣》,並與9m88合作家喻戶曉的戀愛嘻哈神曲《陪妳過假日》,推出後旋即創下驚人點閱率。 人氣暴漲的Leo沒有停下腳步,與搭擋春艷組成雙人嘻哈團體「夜貓組」,於2017年發行由師兄李英宏擔當製作人的首張團體專輯《健康歌曲 OwO》,即入圍第29屆金曲獎最佳演唱組合獎。 他用舞台上的驚人爆發力一舉虜獲聽眾的注意力,以獨樹一格的幽默感,加上對聲音的大膽想像,對Leo來說,音樂沒有任何框架,而創作是他對世界無邊無際的想像。
Leo Wang, a rapper and songwriter based in Taipei, Taiwan, began playing in indie rock band “Gigantic Roar” at the age of 18. Later, he started rapping. Musically influenced by Radiohead, The Doors, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony, Jurassic 5, Maceo Parker, and Jay Chou. Trying to combine a bit of jazz, hip-hop, reggae, and scat singing with Mandarin Chinese in a groovy way.
aka K.O.K.,2013年參加台灣饒舌battle競賽「DISS:RBL」被二度電爆意外竄紅,以怪咖滑板少年為形象,在網路社群上迅速累積許多粉絲。除創作歌手的身分外,也身兼滑板組織「LASABOYZ」主理人,不定期發行以地下文化為主題的刊物「LASABOYZ ZINE」,舉辦多場演出與展覽。 2014年發行迷你專輯書《大男孩主義》;隔年由顏社發行數位專輯《鬧青》。2015年底,與搭擋Leo王組成雙人嘻哈團體「夜貓組」,於顏社傳奇十年感謝祭大舞台上首次登場。 2017年夏末,發行團體夜貓組首張專輯《健康歌曲 OwO》,電幻獵奇的曲風搭配光怪陸離的影像,推出後廣受各界好評,更以這張專輯入圍第29屆金曲獎最佳演唱組合獎,並完成環島巡演【夜貓組の健康巡迴】。2018再度挑戰個人巡迴【我還想繼續Tour】,並預計今年發行第二張個人創作專輯。
Chunyan, aka K.O.K.(king of the kids), one of the main members of “LASABOYZ”, a skateboarding crew which seldomly publish zines of underground topic and often hold parties with hip-hop shows and exhibitions. He has caught attention through his song “King of kids” and the performance in a chinese battle called “DISS:RBL”. Has released two albums now.
台灣台南人,職業DJ。 2000年為台灣Hip Hop音樂萌芽時期代表饒舌團體E.A.C的饒舌歌手之一,在2004年發行首張專輯《鬧嘻哈(da skool)》,退伍後開始著重投入於DJ,2007年北上進入亞洲知名夜店 LUXY 駐場。2009年與DJ Afro、DJ Kid組成DJ團體A.K.G.,在台灣區主辦的DMC比賽中以壓倒性的演出拿下團體組冠軍,並代表台灣前往英國參加世界決賽。 從演唱會到夜店到品牌發表,與國內外眾多藝人都曾合作演出。有著多樣的曲風,從混音到與現場的互動以及演唱會的開場表演,都能加入自己的風格呈現,演出經歷遍及紐約、英國、法國、加拿大、中國、馬來西亞、香港等地。目前在台灣也是所有饒舌大廠「顏社」、「本色」、「人人有功練」的專業夥伴。
Mr. Gin, a professional DJ come from Tinan, Taiwan. Mr. Gin was a member of rap group " E.A.C." and released their frist album ” da skool ” in 2004. He started focuses on Disc Jockey after he finished military service. In 2007, he went to taipei to working in well-known night club " LUXY ". In 2009, DJ Mr. Gin, DJ Afro and DJ Kid form a team “A.K.G.” for DMC competition, they won an overwhelming victory in DMC preliminary competition in Taiwan area, then they represented Taiwan to compete the world competition in England. Mr. Gin’s scratch skills is unbeatable, and his music style is nature and no one can replace him. He has much experience, has been performed in New York, England, France, Canada, China, Mylasia, Hong Kong etc. In Taiwan, Mr. Gin is many hip hop company's partner, including KAO!INC, Truecolor, KUNG FU Entertainment. He is a great DJ in Taiwan.
偏向old school的音樂風格,歌詞描述孤獨,搭配三小湯特有的聲線,成為饒舌圈眾所期待的對象。於2013年加入顏社。
Triple T, a new generation rapper. He has some music works, although is fews, but never underestimate it. He has unique voice by old school style, many people expected his first album. Triple T joined KAO!INC in 2013.