顏社煮場秀|Cook the Vibe
我⼀直想做⼀檔不⼀樣的線上⾳樂節⽬,不是在美術設定好的攝影棚,也不是在本來就應該發⽣的live house舞台上,如果把炙熱的演出現場搬到餐廳烈火朝天的專業廚房,是否能夠成立呢?把演出的能量濃縮在狹⼩的廚房裡,做的不是菜,cook 的是 vibe,我起名為:顏社煮場秀 Cook the Vibe!
⽽收看這四場演出的⽅法也和食物做了點連結,我們將四場演出連結 QR code 印在餐盒裡的四份特製⼩食上,在⾸播⽇前刷⼀下登入,就可以同時與所有參與這場演出播送的樂迷⼀起邊吃邊看,其樂無窮。
老實說搞這局,比辦真的演唱會還要難上百倍,然而這一切都是為了營造一個特別的儀式感,入口就從這個由顏社與業界最強 版塊 Block Studio 打造的網站開始,請輕鬆的拿出玩心,若覺得有意思,就請支持我們的作品,相信會讓你覺得很值得的,祝各位週末愉快!
“Cook the Vibe” was a series of online concerts by Taiwanese hip-hop innovators Leo Wang, Chunyan, GorDoN and Yeemao, all of the label KAO!INC. The artists recorded live sets in the kitchens of their favorite Taipei eateries, which dropped online from Aug 26 to Sept 16, 2020, and were available to view until Oct. 31, 2020.
Why perform and record in restaurant kitchens? For one, it just seemed like a fun, whack idea to all involved. But Dela Chang, head of KAO!INC. and producer of the shows, also had a deeper view: the kitchen is to the chef as the rehearsal studio is to the rapper. Both are centers of raw creativity that feed the soul.
With that in mind, “Cook the Vibe” was born. Backed by a full crew of musicians laying down fresh grooves in real time, Leo, Chunyan, GorDoN, and Yeemao dished out rhymes in four shows at four restaurants, making for off-the-cuff, intimate performances like no other.
Meanwhile, online viewers got to enjoy some genuine kitchen vibes. The price of admission to watch these shows was to buy special snack food packages designed by KAO!INC. Viewers received their “food boxes” via a home delivery service, and then scanned the QR code printed on the snack packaging to access the videos.
Soaking in live hip-hop while partaking in some tasty grub, Taiwanese music fans experienced a unique mash-up of two primal passions: food and music. In these times, it was just the thing everyone needed.
8/26 Yeemo live @ VG The Seafood Bar
Taiwan’s coolest and quirkiest hip-hop duo, along with guest singer Jerry Li, wreak havoc to the funkiest degree in the open kitchen at VG The Seafood Bar, a stylish eatery in Taipei’s East District.
9/02 Chunyan live @ Thai Street
No, Taiwan is NOT Thailand, but Taiwanese rapper Chunyan loves his Thai food. He ladles out the rhymes spicy and sour at this student joint on Taipei’s Wenzhou Street. The kitchen may look swelteringly hot, but Chunyan and his smooth crew — consisting of backup singers, a guitarist, bassist, and percussionist on a SP404 drum machine — keep things chill.
9/09 Leo Wang live @ Meowvelous
Meowvelous, Taipei’s hippest restaurant for soul-satisfying Western/Taiwanese fusion food, is the perfect place for Taiwan’s slickest hip-hop amalgamator, Leo Wang. Donning chef jackets, Leo and his crew of top-shelf jazz and funk musicians, joined by special guest Soft Lipa, keep the grill flames on high and the lids popping.
9/16 GorDoN live @ Everywhere Burger Club
In his youth, Taiwanese hip-hop veteran GorDoN had a part-time job at a certain fast-food burger chain. So it’s only fitting that he returns to his roots with a live set at Everywhere Burger Club, which started out as a humble food truck and now flourishes in Taipei’s bustling East District. Don’t come for some overcooked shit — GorDoN serves it up juicy and raw.
Cook the Vibe 企劃介紹
Cook the Vibeとは、台湾の著名なHipHopレーベルである「顏社 KAO!INC.」が企画製作した全4回のオンラインライブセッション番組である。美食家であるレーベルオーナーのDela発案の下、4軒の台北の人気レストランの厨房で繰り広げられたレーベル所属のラッパーと実力派ミュージシャン達の熱いセッション!台湾では初の有料配信ライブとなった当イベントでは、特別にデザインされた特製ミールボックスを販売。4回の各ライブをそれぞれイメージした4種類の食品がセットになっており、自宅で大いに楽しめる企画となった。