新銳製作人,善於Hip Hop、Rap、R&B、EDM等曲風,身上流著當代流行音樂DNA、具有品味卻不失趣味,怪奇卻不流於矯揉造作,成為各大天王天后及嘻哈歌手御用製作人。大學時期因為對嘻哈產生興趣,開始自己嘗試寫歌,並且開始接觸錄音、編曲。從2013年便在網路上上傳自己的創作而發跡,因緣際會便開始到錄音室及製作公司學習唱片製作、編曲、錄音等等,加入顏社之前為跳蛋工廠製作人,現為顏社御用製作人。
Wan Jhih Syuan aka Hip Hop Lu Chih Shen
Wan Jhih Syuan is an up-and-coming producer expert in hip-hop, rap, R&B, and EDB. Starting his roots in pop music, his song production is interesting, stylized, and with good tastes, enabling him to become the favorite producer of top artists and rappers. While in college, he started to write songs and learn recording and arrangement. In 2013, he started off his career and uploaded several songs online. A former producer at EGGO Music Production, Wan Jhih Syuan is now the top music producer at KAO!INC.