李權哲 Jerry Li / 雲端司機 CLOUDRIVER
李權哲,身兼創作歌手、編曲家、音樂製作人、樂手,同時也是The Loophole(露波合唱團)的團員。鍾情的音樂類型以1960至1970年代的節奏藍調、靈魂樂、放克、搖滾樂等音樂為主,創作樂風也因此深受影響。
2021年加入顏社,發行睽違三年的EP《SUNNY AFTERNOON》,在盲購階段旋即獲得熱烈支持,巡迴演出一票難求。同年年底回歸李權哲身份發行專輯《愛情一陣風》,隔年入圍第33屆金曲獎最佳年度專輯、最佳華語專輯、最佳專輯製作人三項大獎,並以25歲之齡贏得最佳專輯製作人,同年底再獲金音獎最佳專輯獎。
Producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jerry Li hit the ground running in 2017 with his debut album “Stay Sober,” which earned him a Golden Melody Award nomination for best new artist. Just 19 years old at the time, Jerry had already proven himself as a mature composer and producer with an impressive grasp of 1960s/70s soul, R&B, and funk – his primary musical passions.
Today he continues to absorb these styles into a unique, groundbreaking sound, which can be heard on two releases for KAO!INC. in 2021: the EP “SUNNY AFTERNOON” (under the pseudonym “CLOUDRIVER”) and his second full-length solo record, “AI-CHING,” which was nominated for three major awards at the 33rd Golden Melody Awards, including Best Album of the Year, Best Mandarin Album, and Best Producer. At the age of 25, he won the Best Producer award, and also won the Best Album award at the Golden Indie Music Awards that same year.
Whether playing bass or drums for the rock band The Loophole, producing for hip-hop artists, or conjuring up new ideas for solo projects, Jerry Li aka CLOUDRIVER will be an artist to watch for a long time to come.
またの名を李權哲(Jerry Li)、バンドThe Loophole(露波合唱團)のメンバーでもあり、シンガーソングライター、編曲家、hiphopアーティストのプロデューサー、セッションミュージシャンなど多彩な顔を持つ。ブルースやソウル、ファンク、ロックに多大な影響を受けて創作を開始しており、2017年に若干19歳でデビューした後、作品を出す毎に様々な音楽賞を獲得し、その才能は早くから知られることとなる。2021年にリリースしたアルバム《愛情一陣風》はあらゆる音楽賞を総ナメするなど、新世代で最も注目を集めるアーティストの1人。